While Johansen tries to deal with a mysterious illness affecting Dr. Volker, Chloe's body falls under the sway of a familiar consciousness.
Full Recap
Brody reports to Young that they have yet to receive a communication from Earth via the stones. As Volker gets up, he staggers briefly and complains that his leg fell asleep. Chloe arrives to take a shift for someone from Earth to make contact.
Eli and Rush play chess, and Eli admits that he's worried that they didn't defuse the naquadria bomb in time. Rush wonders if he's worried about his mother, but Eli insists that he's worried about everyone.
Volker and Brody are arguing about music and 2001: A Space Odysseywhen Volker feels dizzy. Brody is monitoring the stones and realizes that they have a connection from Earth. He calls in Young, who goes to talk to the person occupying Chloe's body... and she says that she's Ginn.
Ginn explains that she was on Earth in Dr. Perry's body, answering questions for Homeland Security. As Eli arrives, Brody explains that Simeon killed her body, and that Dr. Perry died on Earth. Ginn wonders how she can still be there.
Johansen is in the infirmary examining Ancient medical devices when Volker comes to see her. He complains that he's having trouble sleeping and she goes to get some medication, and Volker collapses.
The crew discuss Ginn's situation, and Rush speculates that when Ginn's body was killed, her consciousness was displaced. They wonder why Ginn appeared in Chloe's body, and Rush speculates it's because she dozed off. Scott wonders where Chloe's consciousness is now.
Volker says that he's been feeling ill for the last month, and Johansen confirms that his blood pressure is too high. He admits that he ran out of pills for hypertension shortly after they arrived on Destiny, and didn't see any point in telling her when there was nothing she can do. Johansen wants to monitor him using one of the Ancient medical devices and keeps him there overnight.
Eli and the others try to reestablish the link to Earth without success, and Ginn remains in Chloe's body. They realize that her consciousness isn't on Earth.
Johansen comes to tell Volker that he's suffering from kidney disease, and that none of her medicinals can help him. She explains that it's too far advanced for treatment, and they don't have any capability for dialysis. The other option is a transplant.
Eli explains to Ginn that Rush killed Simeon, and that he felt that he had to do something. Ginn kisses him in mid-explanation, but he draws back and notes that he's nervous because he sees Chloe's body. She wonders what will happen to her, and Eli explains that they left her body at the next planet they stopped at. As Eli talks, Ginn starts gasping for air and Eli calls for help. Ginn's attack stops as suddenly as it came.
Johansen examines Ginn but can't find anything wrong. Rush suggests that she's suffering from the events of her being strangled by Simeon, and Johansen wonders if they should disconnect the stones. Eli disagrees and Rush admits they need more study. After the meeting, Johansen tells Young that they need to provide Volker with a transplant, and he tells her to do more research. She warns him that they need a donor and will need to run a thorough tissue test, and warns that it will be difficult to find someone given their small population. Young reassures her and says that she can handle it.
Later, Johansen confirms that 18 people are compatible with Volker by blood type, and calls in Scott and Greer for further tissue typing. Scott assures Johansen that it'll be okay.
Eli goes to see Ginn, who says that something doesn't feel right compared to the last time she used the communication stones. He assures her that they'll figure out what's wrong and insists that he won't lose her again.
Rush comes to see Young and warns him that the surgery is dangerous. Young asks if he's compatible and Rush says that he isn't, and then insists that he's not going to let Volker die. They're interrupted when Eli calls to say that Ginn is choking again. As he looks on, Chloe is restored to her body temporarily. They take her to the infirmary and Ginn returns to Chloe's body. She doesn't remember where she was when she started choking. Scott confirms that the connection wasn't broken, and Rush suggests that Chloe' consciousness has been in her body the entire time, suppressed by Ginn. He wants to find out what's happening rather than break the link, but Young says the next time Ginn has a choking attack, he'll break the connection.
As they go back to her quarters, Ginn says that she agrees with Young. Eli disagrees, but in mid-conversation Chloe is restored to her body again. They confirm that the stones aren't disconnected, and then Ginn returns to consciousness with no memory of what happened. She says that she feels weaker. Scott calls Eli to the side to ask what's happening, and Eli explains that Ginn's consciousness is growing weaker.
Johansen works with the scientists to check the Ancient database for possible medical techniques to perform the kidney transplant. Meanwhile, Rush and Eli try to determine if they can download's Ginn's consciousness signal and preserve her in the ship's computer systems. Johansen calls to inform Young that they have two matches: Greer and Morrison. Greer immediately volunteers, and Young warns him that it's dangerous. He says for him to think it over, but Greer insists he doesn't need to consider it.
Johansen explains the procedure, which involves taking bone marrow samples from the donor and placing it in the patient. She offers to give him an anesthetic, but Greer says that he doesn't need to waste their limited medicines on him. Johansen goes ahead with the extremely painful procedure, while Volker thanks Greer. Greer insists that it's no big deal and that Volker would do the same thing for him. After briefly joking with them by faking pain, they go ahead with the procedure.
Scott comes to see Eli and Ginn, and Chloe's consciousness resurfaces again. Eli explains what they're doing to save Ginn's consciousness, and Chloe tells them to do what they have to. Ginn switches back again, and Scott talks privately to Eli, saying that they need to do something. They're interrupted when a new consciousness surfaces in Chloe's body: Dr. Amanda Perry. They call in Rush, who embraces Perry. They then report to Young what has happened, and Rush explains that Amanda's consciousness is weaker than the other two. He suggests they use the neural interface chair to isolate each consciousness and upload it into the computers. Rush explains that something similar happened to Franklin, and he's seen him since, but severed the neural link. However, he admits that the process could endanger Chloe, but the chances are minimal. Scott points out that it's not their decision to make.
Johansen prepares to remove Greer's kidney but takes a brief break. Volker admits to Greer that he wouldn't want to be anywhere else, even though he misses home and his backyard.
Scott briefs Chloe, who agrees to have Rush use the chair on her.
Young comes to see Johansen, who worries that she's in over her head. The colonel assures her that she can do it.
Rush talks to Amanda and explains that he hopes to eventually put her into a new body. She admits she's wanted a new body ever since her accident, and they hold hands.
Johansen returns to the infirmary and discovers that Greer and Volker are gone.
Greer takes Volker to the hydroponics bay so he can have his backyard. The sergeant assures Volker that they'll do fine. When Johansen calls them, they assure her that they're fine. They then return to the infirmary and Johansen begins the procedure.
Eli explains to Ginn what they have planned, and assures her that they can't switch her "off." He assures her that it's temporary, but admits that isn't perfect. Eli says that at least they can be together, and that he believes that it's enough. He asks her if she feels the same, but Ginn starts choking before she can respond.
Johansen is operating on Greer when Young calls to tell her that they're doing the transfer now. The medic warns that she'll be tied up with surgery for another 4-5 hours. Eli and Rush take Ginn to the neural chair and begin the procedure.
Johansen and the others remove Greer's kidney.
Rush transfer the two weaker consciousnesses from Chloe's body, but Ginn starts choking. They're unable to stop the transfer, and a huge power surge passes through the ship… including the infirmary. Rush is unable to confirm if the transfer is continuing. The power surge finally dies out and Rush concludes that the ship overcame the problem on its own. Young tells him to turn off the chair now.
In the infirmary, the team tries to reactivate the Ancient devices. Amanda appears to Johansen via the neural link, explains that she is tied into the Ancient databases, and walks her through the procedure to place the kidney in Volker.
Rush determines that two new programs have appeared in Destiny's memory banks, and one of them is active.
With Amanda's aid, Johansen finishes the procedure. Chloe recovers consciousness in complete control of her body. Young checks in later and Johansen assures him that Volker should recover. The colonel congratulates her and is called to the communications lab where Telford has appeared. He explains that they defused the bomb and Washington is safe.
Later, Rush is on the bridge when Amanda appears to him and thanks him.
Brody and Park check on Volker, who is recovering nicely. Johansen checks on Greer, who insists that he's fine.
Ginn appears to Eli and tells him that it is enough for her to be there with Eli.