Kaylie is put in rehab for her eating disorder and makes a new friend, Maeve, a model who has been in and out of rehab before. Sasha decides to leave The Rock and move back to Romania. Emily is told that under her probation that she is under house arrest and must wear an ankle monitor.
Full Recap
The episode opens with Kaylie, Emily, Lauren and Payson arriving at The Rock late at night for an emergency training session. Some of the girls start to complain about being there at such a late hour, but Kaylie cuts them off and reminds them all that since Worlds are so close that they should take advantage of every opportunity to perfect their routines. The go inside and notice that the guys are already there training on the apparatus...but something's wrong. The guys are performing a little toowell, and it becomes more apparent that something's really wrong. The guys start to dismount the apparatus and it's revealed that they are all vampires. Payson tries to get the girls out of there, but she is the first one attacked. Emily disappears and Kaylie gets surprised by Carter coming after her, fangs out and ready to bite her. Lauren puts herself inbetween them and tells Kaylie to save herself. Kaylie gets outside and runs into Austin and Emily, who are now both vampires, too. When all is lost, Sasha drives up and rescues Kaylie. As they are driving away, Sasha says that he will always be there for her, and Kaylie turns on him and bites him with her new vampire teeth. With that, we see Kaylie's in the middle of a therapy session at the Willow Glen Eating Disorder Rehabilitation Center. The woman leading the session is trying to get Kaylie to interpret her dreams as part of her treatment, but it's obvious that Kaylie doesn't want to be there, nor does she feel she needs any treatment.
Back at The Rock, the rest of the girls are arriving for training in the aftermath of Sasha being fired. Payson still blames herself for everything that happened, and doesn't want to train or have anything to do with gymnastics without Sasha, but Kim convinces her to keep training anyway. Lauren is still staying with Summer, who tries to get her to go back home to her father, but all Lauren says is that some things can't be forgiven, but we don't know if she's referring to her father for hiding her mother from her, or her leaking the video of Payson and Sasha's kiss to Ellen Beals and the NGO. Emily is still feeling sorry for herself for getting arrested, and Chloe reminds her that no one forced her to steal the meds for Brian, but Emily snaps back that Chloe should have been there to prevent the whole situation from happening. Summer and Kim confront Steve about the kiss video and ask him if he was the one that leaked it, but he insists that not only was it not him, but that when he finds out who did do it, that they would be expelled from The Rock.
Later, Emily, Chloe, Summer, Steve, Kim, Cindy (Emily's parole officer), and Marcus (a representative from the NGO) have a meeting to discuss Emily's National Team eligibility. Cindy says that Emily is under house arrest, but she is allowed to go to the gym as long as she wear an ankle monitoring bracelet at all times. Chloe asks if Emily is allowed to participate at an exhibition in Denver that weekend, and Cindy grants her permission as long as she is under constant supervision and wears the ankle bracelet. Emily complains that there's no way that she can perform with the bracelet on, but she gets no sympathy from anyone, which makes her angrier.
Since there is no coach at The Rock, Payson has taken over and is trying to get everyone up to speed. Emily has problems with a tumbling pass on floor, so Payson enlists Austin to help her out. Lauren is busy being a bitch to everyone (especially Emily), because she doesn't want anyone to know that she's upset about her mother's death, Carter leaving, and her remorse over leaking the kiss video.
The girls go to Denver for the exhibition and learn that Kelly Parker is back from her ankle injury and is gunning for Kaylie's spot on the World Team. The Rock girls are quickly dismissed as a second class citizens compared to the Denver club, which makes everyone feel worse. Even a visit to Kaylie in rehab doesn't do much to lift anyone's spirits. The only thing that comes close is Austin introducing his friend, Max, to the girls. Max is a photographer and male gymnast that is trying to decide between The Rock and the Denver club, and can't seem to take his eyes off of Payson, who is clueless to his attention. Lauren sees Max as another conquest, and gets right to whoring it up around him. This all comes to a head at the banquet that night when it's revealed that Carter has not only joined the Denver club, but has also started going out with Kelly. Lauren and Kelly try to get the attention of both boys on the dance floor, but all they succeed in is looking like a couple of sluts.
Needing to feel better about herself, Kelly tries to rile up Payson over the whole Sasha-kiss-thing, and tells her that Sasha is in Denver. Payson runs out of the party and tells her mother that they need to find out where in Denver Sasha is staying so they can convince him to come home. Kim tells her to stay at the party while she goes to Sasha to see what's going on. Sasha is at a local boxing club and tells Kim that he's only there until his passport comes back so he can return to Romania. Meanwhile, Max finds Payson outside of the party and reveals that he has a bit of a crush on her.
The next day at the exhibition, Emily is still whining about not wanting anyone to see her ankle bracelet, and Austin comes up with the idea of everyone wearing leg warmers. During the show, Emily's leg warmer slips down while she's in a handstand, giving everyone a good look at the bracelet. Horrified, Emily runs off the stage, and Max jumps on to distract the audience. Max decides that he will join The Rock over the Denver club, and Emily makes a speech about taking responsiblity for her actions and forgiving her mother. After the show, Lauren asks Emily if she really forgave her mother, and Emily says no, but since she's all she has, that she can't push her away. Lauren takes this to heart and decides to move back into her father's house.
While the girls were in Denver, Marcus pays a visit to the Kmetko house to see what kind of home life Emily really has. He notices that Emily doesn't have a room of her own, and sleeps in a corner of the living room, and he asks Chloe if she really understands what it takes to have a child in an elite sports program. Chloe fires back that he doesn't understand the sacrifice that families have to make in order to pay for elite training, then tells him to leave. Later, Emily comes home to find that Chloe switched their rooms so that Emily can have her own room for once.
Austin seems to be making everyone angry. His attempt to give Emily advice goes awry when he isn't as sympathetic as Emily felt he should be. He visits Kaylie before returning to Boulder, and she gets upset when he tells her to focus more on getting better than any relationship they might have. Having had a sister with an eating disorder before, he knows that she's not allowed to date anyone until she's "cured", but Kaylie takes it as Austin being a player and toying with her emotions. He leaves and Maeve, a supermodel and fellow rehab patient, starts asking Kaylie about him, which causes Kaylie to erupt on her. Maeve reveals that she has been in rehab three times in the last two years, and that she will teach Kaylie how to trick people into thinking she's cured.