Will Schuester finds out that he must recruit more people for New Directions in order to show up at Regionals. Then the Glee Club has their first performance in front of the whole school. This leads Quinn to realize that Rachel has feelings for Finn making her go through great lengths to keep her man. Meanwhile, Will's wife, Terri, receives some unexpected news.
Full Recap
The Episode starts with Mr Schuester driving to school with his car where his license plate says: Glee. He gets out of the car and runs into Finn talking to Rachel, Tina, Artie and Mercedes are doing vocal runs and Kurt is hanging out with the football team near the dumpster. When Will walks past, Puck and the Football team throw him in the dumpster. Will continues walking through the school where Emma runs into him on Purpose, he thanks her for the advice and she says that that is what she does. Santana walks by them talking and says "Get a room". Quinn, following, says that Sue wants to see Will in her office.
Will goes to Sue's office where she is working out. Sue stops and says that she has talked with Figgins and he said that if New Directions doesn't place at Regionals, that he is cutting the program. Will says to her not to worry, then Sue presents Will with "Show Choir Rule Book", which says that you need 12 people to even qualify for Regionals. Sue says that Will can be her 2nd assistant, but he declines. He then says that New Directions will win Regionals.
Quinn is talking to Finn at his locker with Rachel a few lockers down saying that they will be the most popular kids in school and that she doesn't want him to be in Glee. She says that people think that he is gay Finn thinks that Quinn is making a big deal out of this. Quinn says that if Finn quits the club, Finn can touch her breast (with the shirt on and a bra) but he declines, and says not to worry. Finn leaves. Quinn then sees Rachel and thinks she is eavesdropping. Quinn says that Rachel will never have Finn, and Rachel says that she doesn't need to steal Finn, Glee status is going up and hers is going down. Rachel walks away and gets 2 slushie facials (one by Puck)
New Directions is now in the choir room where they are performing "Le Freak", Mercedes stops to say that this song is terrible, and everyone agrees. Will says that they are doing the song in an assembly in front of the school. They all try to make him change his mind but he says that they are doing it because they need 6 more recruits.
Will and Terri are discussing a house that they are thinking of buying with a Realtor. Will thinks that it is happening so fast, and that it all started when Terri's sister came over for lunch and discussed it. Terri and Will are walking through the house and Will wants to buy a smaller one, but Terri wants the really big one (Which they are looking at now). Terri shows the kids bedroom to Will where he says that we can't afford it. He says (in voice over) that he will get a part time job to make extra money, then he says to Terri to sign the papers.
In the choir room, Kurt and Mercedes are arguing until Will comes in and says that they can do a little Kanye, but not for the assembly.
[Song-Gold Digger by Kanye West ft. Jamie Foxx]
Emma is in the Girls bathroom washing her hands until she hears someone coughing loudly in the cubical, she walks in to find Rachel, trying to throw up, but she can't.
In Emma's office, Rachel says that she doesn't have Bulimia and she only tried throwing up because she wanted to be prettier like Quinn, because she liked someone. She says to Rachel to find out what he likes, and that she might do something she would have never thought to do.
Finn and Rachel are in the Principal's office with Will and Sue. They are in there because they made banners to advertise New Directions, and they were using the Cheerios! copier to make copies.Sue dropped her shake on the copier floor. They walk out and Rachel once again says that she doesn't want to do the song, but Will says that they are. Finn thinks he's going to be a dead man when he performs the song. Rachel asks Finn to practice but he has a Celibacy Club meeting.
Will asks Figgins if he can become the Janitor (at half salary) and he accepts.
Quinn and the Cheerios! are in a room saying that the Celibacy club is in session, and because of a rule that says they can let anyone join the club, Rachel is the new member.
The guys are down the hall thinking about the Celibacy club, Finn joined only to get into Quinn's pants, and it is a good way for the guys to talk about sexual issues.
Back to the girls who are practicing the teasing for the boys, exept Rachel. To the boys again, they keep talking about "arriving" early, Finn says it isn't a problem for him but it is, and that he thinks of a mailman he ran-over to not "arrive too early"
Quinn is blowing up balloons and the boys and girls are pairing off and practicing "immaculate affections", Finn's balloon pops, then Rachel lectures the Celibacy Club.
Will is cleaning gum off the desks and Emma walks by offering to help, they talk about why Emma has a problem with messes. He puts a little chalk on her nose then rubs it off, Ken sees.
Rachel is talking to the Glee Club (without Mr Schuester) and she says that they are not going to do the song, they are going to sell sex.
At the assembly, Will says to join Glee, but he's going to let the club tell them via song, the curtains open.
[Song- Push It by Salt n' Peppa]
Everyone cheers after the song, in the principals office, Figgins gives Will a list of songs that they can do, Rachel is in trouble from Mr Schuester.
Rachel and Will are talking saying that no parent is going to let their kid join Glee.
Ken offers to take Emma to Tulipalooza, and she says yes, because Ken saw Emma and Will "Playing House."
Finn and Rachel are practicing for glee, then they eat with a picnic that Rachel prepared. Finn says that Rachel is a great singer and that the Stuff she said at the Celibacy club was cool. Then they kissed.
Finn runs out because he almost "arrived early".
At the baby doctor, Terri has a Phantom pregnancy, which means that she isn't pregnant.
Quinn, Santana and Brittney audition for Glee and get in. In Sue's office, Sue says that they can be spies for her.
Will comes home and Terri says that the baby is a boy, even though she is not pregnant.
Will says in the Choir room that he is giving Quinn the solo to "Don't stop Believin'". Rachel wants to use the auditorium.
[Song- Take a bow by Rihanna]
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