Will Schuester, an optimistic high school teacher, tries to reinvent the McKinley High School's glee club, while reinventing himself. He challenges a group of outcasts to realize their true star potential, while facing harsh criticism from everyone in the school.
Full Recap
The show opens with a cheerleading squad performing a routine, it flashes to their coach who is timing them and asking if they think what they are doing is hard.
The Title flashes on the screen for a second and then a rundown blue car is seen driving through the parking lot, Mr. Schuester steps out and sees a bunch of football students harassing Kurt. He doesn't do anything, but tells Finn that his report on his summer activities is still late. As Kurt is being thrown into the trash can he complains that it will ruin his new collection Mark Jacob's jacket. Finn says "Wait," and instead of helping him holds his jacket as his teammates toss Kurt into the dumpster.
Mr. Schuester then admires the 1993 trophy for National Championship in Show Choir and is seen teaching a Spanish while Finn sits repeating the words and looking bored.
The school bell rings and Sandy Ryerson and a student are practicing "Where is Love?" Sandy begins to touch the stomach of the student as Rachel watches through a crack in the door.
A sign that says Coffee points at an ending machine as Coach Tanaka and Mr. Schuester talk about budget cuts. Then Sue walks in with lattes, Emma then takes gloves and clean wipes out with her lunch as her and Sue banter about cheerleaders going over budget with a nutritionist. Sue then leaves the room as Coach Tanaka questions Emma about a Singles Mixer. Emma cleans the table as she talks and complains that her number two fireman hasn't called. She looks adoringly upon Mr. Schuester as she talks about how Sandy Ryerson was fired. Mr. Schuester asks who will take over Glee Club.
The scene then goes to Mr. Figgins office, Mr. Schuester wishes to take over Glee Club, but the principal is complaining about the budget. Figgins says it can stay as long as Mr. Schuester pays $60 a month and uses the costumes that they already have. Figgins says that when Glee Club brings as much prestige as the Cheerio's (the cheerleading squad) he can have all the money he wants.
Later that night, Mr. Schuester lies in bed next to his wife and worries (through a voice over)about how to hide the money from his wife as well as getting the kids interested. He comes up with the name "New Directions."
The bell rings the next day and the audition process begins. Mercedes Jones, a heavy set black girl performs "Respect". This is followed by Kurt Hummel, the same kid being beat up in an earlier scene does "Mr. Cellophane". Tina C (a punk Asian), and Artie (who is in a wheelchair) then sign up as well. Tina performs "I Kissed a Girl" after introducing herself with a stutter.
Rachel then approaches the board and does "On My Own" during her solo, it flashes back to her signing up and putting a gold star next to her name. Her voice over comes up as a boy throw a drink in her face and she describes how she turned in Sandy Robinson for touching the student (because he got the solo she deserved). She tells the story of her two gay dads who mixed their sperm and used a turkey baser to impregnate a woman (a picture in the locker shows her two dads, one black and one white) she goes on to say she does not know which one is her real father. She is then shown tap dancing as a child describing how her fathers tried to give her all the advantages they could so she could become famous. She is then taping herself singing the same song for her MySpace page where she tries to load a video a day for her "fans". Five Cherrios (one being Quinn) in bleachers are then shown making harsh comments on her video. As she concludes her solo, Mr. S tells her she did a good job and she asks when rehearsals start.
Rehearsals then begin as they do "Sit Down Your Rockin' the Boat" in assorted costumes with Artie and Rachel doing the lead vocals. Rachel complains that they suck and Mr. Schuester tells them they need to practice more. Rachel storms out and is next seen on the bleachers, out of costume. Sue is then seen admonishing her cheerleaders as Rachel explains to Mr. Schuester she doesn't want to be laughed at and that everybody hates her. She explains that being part of something special will make her special, she demands a stronger male lead or she will quit the club.
Coach Tanka calls Mr. Schuester to Principal Figgins who want to shut down Glee Club because he needs the auditorium for Alcoholics Anonymous. Mr. Schuester then says Figgins can open a bar in the auditorium if the club doesn't show at Regionals. Figgins questions why he loves this club so much but finally agrees as long as Mr. Schuester runs detention for free.
Scene now changes to Terri Schuester at her job at Sheets 'n Things teaching Howard to fold a fitted sheet. Mr. Schuester brings her a sandwich but she doesn't eat it because it has mayonnaise and she doesn't want her diabetes to come back because the couple is trying to get pregnant. He then tells her about running detention and she complains about having to make her own dinner after working four hours a day three days a week. Terri has to go after a sheet is returned and Mr. Schuester runs into Sandy who is yelling at an employee. Mr. Schuester tries to avoid him, but they start talking and Sandy is happy that he has taken over Glee Club and has started selling marijuana after being dismissed. When Mr. Schuester asks who he sells to, it cuts to him behind the bleachers with Coach Tanaka. Sandy gives Mr. Schuester a free sample even after he refuses.
Mr. Schuester then goes sees Sue who is polishing her trophies as the scene switches back and forth between Mr. Schuester and Sue and another moment where Emma steps on a piece of gum. Sue expresses how none of the Chreeios are going to join the Glee Club because they are popular and the kids in the Glee club are at the bottom. Mr. Schuester scrapes the gum off of Emma's shoes as she tells him to get a couple of popular kids to join and the rest will fall in line. Mr. Schuester then asks Coach Tanaka if he can talk to the team and he tentatively agrees only if Mr. Schuester will put a good word in with Emma for him.
In the Locker Room, Mr. Schuester asks them to join and there is no interest as the put derogatory names onto the signup sheet. He becomes disheartened until he hears Finn singing in the shower and has the realization that he is doing this to show kids a gift inside of them that they don't even know they have. He then has the "blackest moment of his life" as he plants his pot into Finn's locker who adamantly swears it is not his. Mr. Schuester threatens that he will get kicked of school or end up in prison and he says he expects more. This comment gets to Finn because he always expects more out of himself. This goes into a flashback of his childhood when his dad died and his mother raised him by himself. He is seen playing the drums and her happiest time when they ordered Emerald Dreams and his mom dates the man who comes. They sing together and Darren tells him that he has a gift and should keep with it. Darren then leaves with a young blond and his mother takes it really hard. Coming back from the flash back, Mr. Schuester says he can do six week detention and have it on his permanent record or join Glee Club.
Finn is then seen singing "You're the One That I Want" with the Glee Club. The club reacts strongly, especially Rachel who crosses the stage pushing aside the other member to get Finn. Mercedes reacts to this new position of background singer strongly, but Kurt and Mr. S convince her that this is better than before.
Mr. Schuester is then at home with his wife in their craft room. He mentions taking the club on a field trip and she is not happy with anything he is doing. She complains about money and he mentions the amount of money she wastes at Pottery Barn. She pushes him to become an accountant but he responds that his passion is teaching. She urges him to move on from his high school days.
At school, Mr. Schuester needs volunteers for the field trip and Emma quickly volunteers under the watch of Coach Tanaka. At the football field, Puck overhears Coach Tanaka yelling at Finn to choose between being a singer or a player. Puck questions Finn and he lies about needing to take care of his mother. At Carmel High School, Rachel and Finn talk. Rachel mentions that everybody thinks they will get together but Finn is dating Quinn (who is president of the celibacy club). Mr. S and Emma then share a snack while he discusses the problems of his marriage.
In the auditorium, Mr. Schuester tells the club how these are there competition, but he doesn't think they will be that hard to beat. Their Glee Club comes out with close to thirty members and stuns the crowd with their performance of "Rehab" complete with excellent dance moves.
Puck and the football team then confront Finn about lying that his mother has a prostrate instead of telling them he was in the Glee Club. They belt him with green paint from paintball guns.
Mr. Schuester comes home to his wife who congratulates him and tells him that she is pregnant. He is close to tears and the scene flashes to him telling the Glee Club that he is leaving. The team has mixed reactions, telling him they will work harder and Finn asks if he can quit now. He says he loved being their teacher but as an adult he has to do thing he doesn't want for his family and leaves them in the auditorium.
His emotional farewell leads to him speaking with Emma who asks if he will come see her tomorrow in the career center because he needs some guidance. Rachel and Finn are then talking by his locker as Quinn asks why they are talking and she lies that are science partners and she tells him he needs to not worry about others. At football practice he talks to Puck as Finn says it over. As a welcome back "present" they have locked Artie in a port a potty and they want to flip it over. Finn then saves Arty and when Puck asks him why he saves that loser he tells him they are all losers. He tells Puck that neither group can win without him and he then returns to Glee Club practice. On the way he sees Darren on the football field as Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" plays in the background.
In the auditorium, Rachel is yelling at the club at choreography. Finn apologizes and tells him he wants to change. He asks Arty to get the Jazz band, Mercedes to get costumes, Rachel for choreography and he will pick the music.
The next scene is Emma and Mr. Schuester and she plays him the 1993 performance of him winning the Nationals in Show Choir. He says that was the best moment of his life and other only other time he has been as happy is when Teri got pregnant. Emma questions what type of person he will be telling his child to be if he just gets a job for money instead of doing something that he loves.
He is then walking down the hallway out of the school when he faintly hears the music to "Don't Stop Believing" and in the auditorium the club (dressed in matching red shirts) sings the song. Arty is playing the guitar with the rest of the band and Rachel and Finn sing to each other. Mr. Schuester is in the audience watching along as well as Puck at the back of the auditorium. As Puck walks out we see Sue, Finn and another cheerleader watching from above. Mr. Schuester approaches them and tells them they would get a nine, but need a ten. He advises Rachel and Finn and tells him he is staying and the show closes with him telling them to take it from the top.
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