Full Recap
During the Warblers rehearsal, their song sounds great but Kurt can't help but feel that Blaine is the only one of the Warblers to get solos. Blaine senses that Kurt is jealous but Kurt counters and says that the group feels more like Blaine and the Pips. Back at McKinley, Rachel sings her original song for Finn. Her song, "Only Child" discusses Rachel's sadness about not having any siblings. Finn says the song is better than her first song, "My Headband" but the song is still not deep enough for others to relate to.
Quinn is on a mission to become prom queen and she believes the only way for that to happen is to have Finn at her side as prom king. She's worried though that Rachel's friendship and affection for Finn may stand in the way. Quinn decides to keep her friends close but her enemies closer and embarks on a mission to becoming Rachel's new best friend.
While at home and under Kurt's care, Pavarotti, the Warblers' pet canary dies. He and the Warblers sing "Blackbird" by the Beatles as a tribute to Pavarotti.
Will comes into glee practice with bad news. They're unable to perform "Sing" by My Chemical Romance at Regionals because the band sent them a cease and desist letter. This is all of course part of Sue's great plot to take Will down after he cause the loss of Sue's Cheerios to glee. Rachel suggests that in place of singing other artists' music that they should write their own original music for Regionals. While everyone shuts the idea down, Quinn backs her up. Everyone decides that they can't just have two people writing songs for the group and everyone wants to contribute.
Santana is still upset by Brittany's rejection and she informs her that she'll be writing a love song about Sam. Sue passes the duo in the hallway and gently reminds them that they had betrayed her by leaving the Cheerios. She also informs them that she's not afraid to play dirty. As Santana and Brittany open their lockers, dirt spills out all over them.
Blaine approaches the Warblers council. He tells them that with the information that Kurt has given him about New Directions, the Warblers won't be able to win Regionals if he is singing lead in every single song. After some outrage, he proposes to do a duet at Regionals and requests that Kurt be his partner.
At practice, Santana tells Mr. Schuester that she's already been working on a song with Tina. She sings an original song called "Troutymouth," about Sam. He doesn't like the jokes about his mouth and lips and Mr. Schuester says that it probably isn't strong enough for Regionals. Puck steps up and performs his song for Lauren, "Big Ass Heart."
Quinn wants Finn's help in her campaign to win prom queen. Finn says that while he wants to help, he would rather wait until after Nationals in order to protect Rachel's feelings. Quinn begins to scare Finn and he agrees to start the plan after Regionals. Unfortunately, Rachel has overheard everything.
Blaine comes over to Kurt and asks him to practice their duet. He's picked "Candles" by Hey Monday. Kurt is surprised by his song choice since this is different from his usual Top 40 songs. He asks Blaine why he chose him for his duet partner. Blaine tells Kurt that he was moved by his "Blackbird" performance. He tells Kurt that he's fallen for him and they kiss.
Mercedes sings her original song "Hell to the No" which is full of energy and fun. Everyone loves the song but Mr. Schuester doesn't think its Regionals material. He reminds the group that the best songs that are out there are about personal pain. Everyone brainstorms and lists out their personal pains caused by Sue and Mr. Schuester thinks that they have an original song in "Loser Like Me."
Rachel approaches Quinn. She thinks that Quinn owes it to her to be honest with her since they've been through so much. Quinn admits that she and Finn are back together because they are meant to stay together in Lima whereas Rachel is meant for other things, not in Ohio. Quinn tells her that if she keeps looking for her happy ending, she'll never get her song right. Rachel goes home to finish writing her song, "Get It Right."
Sue goes into Will's office and admits to him that she in fact had forged the letter from My Chemical Romance. Will is ok with this and tells Sue that they benefited by getting the opportunity to write their own songs. At Regionals, the judges are Rod Remington, anchor man, Tammy Jean Albertson, a homeschooler and Tea Party candidate, and Sister Mary Constance, a nun and former exotic dancer.
Oral Intensity, coached by Sue begin the competition by singing "Jesus Is My Friend" in an effort to play to the judges and the crowd. Kurt begins to get nervous for the duet but Blaine tells him everything will be all right. The Warblers take the stage and perform "Candles" and then "Raise Your Glass."
Finn tells Rachel to break a leg before they take the stage. She reminisces to last year when he told her he loved her. Rachel pours her feelings out on stage in her song "Get It Right" and Finn is clearly affected by the words. The whole group gets together and performs "Loser Like Me." The crowd loves the song and New Directions closes the performance by pouring confetti slushies on the audience. The judges gather to debate and rate the performances. Each judge has a different feeling toward each group. New Directions ends up winning Regionals.
Kurt and Blaine put Pavarotti to rest and while he is upset, he's more upset by their loss at Regionals. Blaine tells them that they've won by finding each other. Will encourages the group's continued team work while they begin to prepare for Nationals. He also decides that they should start singing out an MVP of their show choir. Rachel is voted unanimously as their MVP. She tells the glee club that she feels special and loved at last because her fellow classmates believe in her.
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